
Dear industrial partners and interested parties,

Parallel to the scientific program of the 23rd Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology (APCN 2025), to be held in conjunction with the 2025 Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Society of Nephrology (TSN 2025), there will be an accompanying industrial exhibition, as well as an industrial program (Industry Symposia, Satellite Symposia).

APCN X TSN 2025 will provide sponsors with exposure and access to delegates who have the capacity to influence the selection of products and services within their organizations. The industrial exhibition will take place in TaiNEX 2.

Our sponsorship program aims to extend your visibility beyond the exhibition hall, allowing you to achieve maximum exposure at the congress. It will also provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your support and commitment to the field of nephrology. To ensure that your company can achieve its objectives by participating in APCN X TSN 2025, a wide range of sponsorship opportunities is available. In addition to packages, sponsors can also consider supporting individual items.

You can download the sponsorship prospectus by clicking the button below:

APCN x TSN 2025 Secretariat

Tel. +886-2-3331-0878
E-mail: office@apcn2025.org